Tuesday 7 October 2014

Quick Rep of Class task

Costume, language, setting

Consider the following points when watching the clip:

  •        Can I identify what class the characters/people are from? How?
  •       Are people from different  classes shown as having different interests,          personalities,  attitudes or behaviours? If so, how?
  •       Is their class represented as being the most important thing in their life?
  •       Are people from particular classes portrayed as being better, more powerful, than others?
  •       Are people from particular classes portrayed as being abnormal /weaker/ more pathetic than  others? 
  •      How do other characters in the clip treat the characters from different classes?
  •      What is the message the clip is trying to portray about class?
  • Watch this clip and comment on the representation of class.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLB4IJk5ZFI

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