Monday 5 January 2015

15 Image manipulation with Adobe Photoshop

  • You will consider how young people of both genders are exposed to unreal body images in the Media today.
  • Key Terms: Stereotype, Photoshop, Size zero, Self confidence, image manipulation 
Many texts use celebrities to endorse their products but the images that the public see on posters and ads etc have been manipulated using digital software called Photoshop.
There are many arguments both for and against image manipulation in the media by the public.

Photo retouching makes it possible to beef up a man's physique or give a woman a wasp waist. The resulting images of models in magazines present impossible ideals for people. 

The teen glamour magazine called Seventeen has made a pledge to its readers about how it will and won't digitally manipulate photos of young models.

The magazine responded to an online petition by 14-year-old Julia Bluhm, who observed that many girls in her ballet class complained that they were fat.

Seventeen's pledge to its readers says that it will never change a girl's body or face shape, and will change only incidental details, like "flyaway hair," a confusing background, or an out-of-place bra strap. They set up a special blog that takes readers behind the scenes at photo shoots and shows the images before and after retouching.

The magazine "Glamour" has also responded to criticism, polling its readers about what how much retouching is good, and they produced a video where women answer the question "What makes you feel good about your body?"

Here are some images of celebrities before and after Photoshop treatment:

Adobe Photoshop CS6

Below is a link to a guide to the toolbox in Photoshop:

Photoshop Tutorial 1:


Magic Wand Tool


Blur Tool

Clone Stamp Tool

Task 1: Open the images below in PS and manipulate the images to conform with feminine/ masculine ideals

These images can also be found in Student share/Media/X_images

Save the manipulated images in your home area.

Have a look through this celebrity photoshop website make notes and discuss

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