Monday 1 September 2014

Rep. of Events

There is a big possibility that you will be asked a question on the representation of events.

You must have detailed knowledge of how TWO events have been represented in TWO different ways by the media 

For each of the case study texts you must do the following:

1.  Identify exactly what representation has been constructed.

2.  Identify HOW that representation has been constructed using textual examples 
(behaviour, dialogue, sound, mise-en-scene, cinematography, editing).

Case Studies:

Rep of Events: Euro 2012

Rep of Events: London Riots

Task 1: 

Research the two events (Lonodon riots and Euro 2012) and write how they were represented in the media.
Consider how the issues of racism and youth were dealt with through,
mode of address  (at the bottom of the post)
creation of moral panic

Use different types of newspapers to illustrate and links to online articles about the events.

Here is one student's analysis of representation of the Olympics event.

As I always say: If you are not sure about an answer in media studies.....think about the money!

Related links:

Brazil braced for more World Cup protests

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