Monday, 1 September 2014

Research Investigation 4, coursework proposals

You will look at the quality of written communication which is required at A2 level including:
Legibility of text; accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar; clarity of meaning;

Key Words: Clarity, spelling, grammar.

September 15th/16th

Your Coursework Proposal Sheets need to be completed, remember the Investigation needs to be linked to the Production.

Find suitable resources for your Research Investigation:

Screen shots, IMDB, Reviews, Statistics.

Identify the target audiences for the texts.

BARB and NRS websites are very useful.

A2 Media - Coursework
Students are required to produce three pieces of linked work;
Research Investigation > Practical Coursework > Evaluation 

Research Investigation (from WJEC)

Candidates are required to undertake an individual investigation into a 
specific area of study focused on one of the following concepts: genre, narrative or representation. 
Their research should draw on a range of both primary and secondary sources. It should enable candidates to reach conclusions that will inform their production.

Key Points: 
1400 – 1800 words
Students need to focus on one of the following topics: genre, narrative or representation. 
(One of these words should be in the essay title)
The title must be a question
Once the essay is complete it should enable a conclusion to be reached that will inform your production.
The investigation must demonstrate you can apply theory to your subject.
The investigation needs to contain references.
The investigation must have two specific case studies, go for more and you won't fit them in to the word count limit.

Types of Research 

There are some definitions you should know.
Primary research for audience research is direct investigation of the needs, desires and media habits of an audience. It involves contacting and talking directly to members of the target audience individually, on the phone, by email or questionnaire or in groups.

 research looks at data and other research that has already been undertaken about the audience – today secondary research is very largely carried out on the internet, and by consulting books, magazines and journals. 

By consulting a wide range of opinions and sources a sound critical analysis can be constructed.

 research is about collecting facts and figures and other data to do with the size of the audience. This can be a breakdown of the number of people, including their gender, age and location, who make up an audience. TV audiences are measured in a quantitative way by BARB – Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board . Radio audiences are measured by RAJAR Radio Joint Audience Research .

Qualitative research
 is about investigating the reasons why audiences consume a particular text. Qualitative research is done through discussion and by setting up focus groups. Questionnaires can be constructed to establish audience preferences, opinions, tastes and desires, or to measure the success of a media text or product.

Research alert: small scale questionnaires about a media product from a limited audience (such as a school) carry little weight or value. 

Structure for your essay to consider:

  • Introduction – say what are you exploring and hoping to find out
  • Carry out textual analysis and state what you find out.
  • Discuss focus groups and other primary research and state what you found out.
  • Academic research and tying this into what has been found out already
  • Tying it all together.
  • Overall conclusion.
* Maintain focus on the title of your investigation, it may help to even repeat it a couple of times within the main body of the text.

Example Research Titles:

An investigation into how genre conventions are used to raise audience expectations in two/three film trailers.

An analysis of the narrative structure of two/three contrasting trailers.

An analysis of the narrative structure of two thrillers
through examination of the ending sequences.

Exploring the narrative structure and editing techniques of
the thriller film.


The representation of male teens in British crime films. (Then be specific, name two films)

Examining the representation of women in crime films.  (Then be specific, name two films)

An exploration of the representation of the disaffected young man in British films.  (Then be specific, name two films)

Useful Sources:
Media Magazine
Sight & Sound
Screen International
Little White Lies
Electric Sheep

The Media department has countless media and film books. See Mr Ealey. 
(Look for theory on genre, narrative or representation.)


Task 1: Research and Planning Techniques.
Open the PDF Document; MS3 Exemplar 2012-13 at page 103 at the Research Investigation 
Generic codes and conventions of sports drink advertisements.
The work was awarded a lower level 3 mark of 30, which you are all capable of gaining with good application.
  • Read the moderator's comments. Make notes for yourself.
  • Read the essay and make note of a) the structure b) Key words and media language that the candidate has used and been credited for. Make notes for yourself.
  • The type of research the candidate has used to investigate. Make notes for yourself.

These are (possibly) the texts the candidate has researched:

Be Like Mike (Gatorade)

Sports Lite (Lucozade)

Wayne Rooney (Powerade)

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